Expats Cape Verde will be providing a few different options for advertising businesses and services between April-July 2020, as a result of covid-19. Local businesses and services may want to use our site to promote a future event, sale, service or general activity.
Why you should promote your businesses or services
Tourists and property owners may not be aware of what is available or have clear information about the services you offer. Therefore Expats Cape Verde provides opportunities for you to advertise with us so that you can reach some of those people. Advertising options are available for the like of carpenters, painters, electricians, property services, property rentals, restaurants and bars and more. You may want to target foreign visitors, as some tourists may only be aware of what the tour operators provide. Tourism numbers are increasing yearly, for example, nearly 200,000 Britons visited Cape Verde in 2019, a 7% increase on 2018 . Expats Cape Verde can also provide opportunities for advertising businesses and services for those in the UK.
Google Analytics
The statistics we’d previously used for Expats Cape Verde prior to moving it to WordPress, are no longer relevant. A number of adjustments have been made to the pages, urls or posts, resulting in some changes to the Google analytics. Therefor the we’ll need to re-build our statistics for the site based on the adjustments and new content.
Graphic design
Why not have an advert designed that is suitable to advertise your business or service, one that is different. Advertisements can be places on the top of the page using a banner, or on the right side of page. The top banner image size is 950 x 271, side images are either 315 x 475 (medium) and 315 x 195 (small). An example of three advert sizes can be found on this page. For further information you can contact us via our ‘Contact form’ or via email: info@expatscapeverde.com
Internal Links
LINKS: Photo Gallery
External Links
LINK: Travel Ban and Covid-19 news