Dear Friends ,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who came to support the Official Opening of our new premises of Castelos do Sal on the 9th of February 2012. It was a wonderful way to celebrate together. The children also came in their best clothes and had a blast!
The team of Castelos do Sal would like to give a special thank you to Blu Bar for providing the drinks and catering service, Riu Hotels & Resorts for the cakes and last but definately not least to all our great volunteers who assisted us on the day-thank you Paula and David, Yvonne, Gwyn, Tracey, Cheryl, Stuart for your help and support!

Even though the Mayor could not be present on the day, he kindly let us know that he is extremely pleased with the work we are doing and was very generous with his words of encouragement and wished us every success for the future.

Thank you to all those who have supported us from the beginning and continue to support us. 2012 is going to be a very exciting year for us, a lot of work is still to be done but we will persevere in order to keep our doors open and keep those smiles on the children’s faces. We see that the kids feel so happy and safe in the premises provided for them.
A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU ALL. Thank you to Linda Aspen for the photos.Castelos Do Sal are now able to accept any kind donations. Our bank and contact details are below:
Associação Castelos do Sal
IBAN/NIB cv64000500000459547310197
swift code: CGDICV CP
Banco Interatlantico
Castelos do Sal
Tel: 00238 – 9781026/9797704
Morada: Travessa da Fábrica
Santa Maria, Ilha do Sal,
Cabo Verde