Geert Strobbe has provided information on the foundation on Boavista.
The information on their website is available in two languages, Belgian and English.
In 2008, Geert Strobbe, founder and driving force behind Non Profit Organisation (NPO) Boa Vista O Mundo Foundation, went with his family on holiday to the island of Boa Vista, Cape Verde. They were impressed by the heavenly beaches and the nice, friendly inhabitants of the island, but were evenly shocked by the apalling living conditions of the residents of the Baraccas (slums) near the capital of Sal Rei. They decided to help Chico & Eva and their four children to get them out of this vicious circle of a Baracca life. But, in the Baraccas more than 300 families live in the same dreadful conditions. So … helping the (Chico) family would only be a drop in the ocean? Not for Geert’s students of the Lessius Hogeschool Mechelen. When they heard about their teacher’s experience, they swung into action: sponsors were asked to contribute, events were organized to bring in money. A group of students went on the spot to run a reportage as their terminal project and to roll up their sleeves. Gradually / in the end a fully fledged and broadly based non profit organisation was established. Since all initiatives are being developed by students – supported by lecturer Geert Strobbe – education and training projects are nearest to their hearts. Education and training must help the Barraca residents, children and adults, to fulfil their protential and develop the essential skills (needed) to overcome social and economic inequalities.
For more information please visit the O Mundo Foundation website.
In 2008 ging Geert Strobbe, oprichter en bezieler van de huidige VZW Boa Vista O Mundo Foundation, met zijn gezin op vakantie naar het eiland Boa Vista, Kaapverdië. Naast de paradijselijke stranden en de lieve, sympathieke inwoners van het eiland maakten ze kennis met de bewoners van de Baracca’s (sloppenwijk) nabij de hoofdstad Sal Rei. De erbarmelijke leefomstandigheden en de vicieuze cirkel waar deze mensen niet zelf uit kunnen geraken, troffen het gezin, maar vooral de kinderen, enorm. Zij besloten om het gezin van Chico & Eva die met hun 4 kinderen in de Baracca’s leven, financieel te helpen.
Een druppel op een hete plaat … in de Baracca’s leven immers meer dan 300 gezinnen.
Dat was natuurlijk buiten de studenten van Lessius Mechelen, waar Geert docent is, gerekend. Zodra zij Geerts verhaal vernamen, kwam de hulpverlening in een stroomversnelling. Sponsors werden verzocht om een bijdrage te leveren, events werden georganiseerd om geld in het laatje te brengen én de studenten, die bereid waren om hun eindwerk te wijten aan het project, gingen ter plaatse om een reportage te draaien én zelf de handen uit de mouwen te steken. O Mundo Foundation