MENIFUTE means boys football education
Founded by the football coach, Agilson FORTES (GIGI FORTES) on February 23, 2003, in Santa Maria Sal Island.
MENIFUTE is a sports association, non-profit, based on the football school, with children aged between 05-17 years.

The main objective is to place all children in the social environment, using football as a fundamental instrument for the physical and mental health development of an individual.
Right now we have about 85 children participate in our activities, making everyone feel happy and able to face life and above all believe that they can be happy when education and sport go hand in hand.
Education: properly participate in school activities, should first study to be valid men in life.
Sports: make sports an instrument of health, education, coexistence, self-esteem and feel especially happy for the sport practicing, be serious at it and always do better, work with dignity, respect and humility the podium demand.

Fight for more and more, can be capable of responses to demands and challenges of the future, we are aware of what is still much more to do, because working with children is to build a human in the future. so we always try best means and to know apply methods that will Meet the appreciation of the human being promoting peace and well-being public.
We now have the ALEX SUAREZ and STEFANO LIGHT, which should leave for England in the coming months, players who are forming MENIFUTE, which studies do for the success knocks on your door, work seriously, support education, support improve the conditions favorable to one day be professionals and fight for a dignified life of their ambitions, feeling happy in what they want to be.
The Creation of a soccer academy is our greatest desire as well, always promoting the training of our athletes to follow a path of success.

We have some references of players: RICARDO GOMES, DEVON ALMEIDA, RODY DUARTE, Bruny ALMEIDA, BAKAR BALDÉ, they play all in Portugal and ROMANIA, are players who play in professional football, which came out of MENIFUTE, we want to expand more players looking for better living conditions and play in big clubs Europe.

This is our motto!
Being a good athlete, but above all a real man…