Photo below- Jennifer after returning to Sal, April 2009, quietly preparing for a Training Swim, before returning this year to swim the Atlantic again.

Jennifer made her first attempt to be the first woman to swim the Atlantic earlier that year.
More photos to be uploaded and an interesting interview with this excellent and determined athlete.
Jennifer sends a message to all the Expats she met on Sal Island prior to her first swimming fete across the Atlantic 7. Atlantic Challenge Jan.09
Movie 1 – My idea to do a Training Swim – April 2009
Movie 2 – Jen talks about the 30ft waves on her 2008 Atlantic Swim attempt :
Movie 3 – Why we could not anchor a boat in 19,000 ft of water:
More Photos of Jennfier 2009. LINK to Photo Album No: 6. Jennifer’s Pre-Training Swim April 2009
I will post some updates within this blog, for those non Facebook or Twitter enthusiasts.
Jennifer’s blog, website and Facebook / Twitter will be updated during her journey:
Facebook Link : Jennifer
Website Link : Jennifer
Blog Link: Jennifer
Current position of the boat called ‘Jamie’ Link : Jennifer
Twitter Link : Figgeswim